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"Paying extra attention is now the law"

This is the claim of the Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport’s campaigns for child anti-abandonment devices. Watch the campaign commercial:


Safe use of lithium batteries

Every year many cases of batteries ingestion occur. The problem mainly involves children under 6 years. Furthermore, the misuse of batteries can cause them to explode. You should therefore pay attention to violent impacts and overheating.

Here are some guidelines to follow for the safe use of the button batteries of MyMi cushion and key-chain tracker:

In caso di ingestione

Se la batteria viene ingoiata ricorda che i primi sintomi possono essere simili ad altri malesseri infantili, come tosse, disagio e salivazione. Una volta capito che il bambino ha ingerito una pila a bottone, la prima cosa da fare è contattare il Centro Antiveleni e portare il bimbo al Pronto Soccorso.


Bluetooth and radiation

MyMi uses Bluetooth Low Energy technology, the same used to pair your phone with headphones, such as those made by Apple.

Here are some extracts from some articles the describe this topic in detail:

Il Bluetooth non è affatto pericoloso e non fa male alla salute

l’intensità del suo campo è notevolmente minore rispetto a quella di una semplice rete Wi-Fi casalinga […] I valori limite internazionali sono piuttosto lontani e non viene indicata alcuna misura precauzionale all’uso di auricolari Bluetooth o cuffie. Tutti gli esperimenti e le misurazioni effettuate per l’omologazione e la diffusione sul commercio dei dispositivi Bluetooth hanno determinato un pericolo pari a zero per la salute, vista l’intensità non sufficientemente intensa per generare un assorbimento da parte del corpo umano.

Continua a leggere qui:


Drive with complete confidence with your children on board

When driving, the first thought of parents is ensuring the safety of their children on board. Child’s safety seats (or infant’s car seat for babies) must always be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Parents or friends driving with children on board must be informed of the safety guidelines, also for short or occasional trips. The law requires that child’s car seats must be used until children are 150 cm tall.

Per i più piccoli, meglio seggiolini rivolti in senso contrario

Almeno fino al compimento dei 15 mesi, è importante trasportare i bambini con il seggiolino posizionato in senso contrario alla direzione di marcia. Questa posizione sostiene il bambino più efficacemente, evitando rischi di traumi alla testa e al collo. Le forze che si generano in caso di impatto sono infatti distribuite su una superficie più ampia.

Italy is the number one country in the world

Italy is the first country in the world to adopt a law aimed at preventing the abandonment of children in infant’s and child’s car seats due to dissociative amnesia.

The choice to make anti-abandonment devices compulsory comes after several cases that hit the headlines, where mothers or fathers forgot their children on board for many hours, often with tragic consequences.

Such forgetfulness, also known as ‘dissociative amnesia’, is mainly due to parents suffering from a significant amount of stress, which causes them to act in an automatic way. An anti-abandonment device is therefore a tech ally for parents that helps them live their lives with fewer worries.

MyMi anti-abandonment device is certified and complies with the law. It is compatible with any child’s car seat and does not affect certification characteristics in any way.

We want to make the world a safer place for those we love.